All posts by: "Administrator"
- “Give to Live” Challenge Aims to Break Guinness World Record® for Organ Donation
Alexa’s Hope, an organization dedicated to saving lives by increasing the number of registered organ, eye and tissue donors, aims to break a GUINNESS WORLD…
- You Can Help with the Alexa’s Hope #GivetoLive Challenge – Here’s How:
We are very excited about the Alexa’s Hope #GivetoLive Challenge, and we hope you are, too. If you want to participate, here is everything you…
- Alexa’s Hope GoFarCharity Team 2013
Walk, run, or roll the Friday night 5K or Saturday’s 10K, Half or Full Marathons, or Relay Race. With your participation you can help raise…
- Donate Life Month
Alexa’s Hope has a goal of being able to support children and families who are awaiting a transplant or who have had a transplant. As…